REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - 2002 October 3 - 4, 2002
KAUNAS The main coordinator - Lithuanian Regional Research Institute. During the conference the problems of economic conditions and development were discussed, the newest researches and their adaptability results were analyzed. THE PROGRAME OF THE CONFERENCE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Theories of regionalization, their analysis, and evaluation of practical application possibilities
Regional development models and their analysis
Research of regional economic potential and infrastructure and related evaluation on the national and global scales
Regional economic development strategies, their planning and management
Analysis of regional policies in EU and pre-accession countries
Economic regionalization (experience) in EU and pre-accession countries
Peculiarities of economic regionalization in Lithuania
Learning region
Relations between rural and urban areas
Rural regional disparities and their identification
Rural regional development models and policy
Rural regional economics and development strategies
Aspects of regional development in agriculture and food product sector
Evaluation of rural economic activities in regions
Enterprise application integration and regional integration models
Knowledge management and information systems
Internet and its influence on regional development
Influence of human, social and organizational dimensions to the informational development in the region
Current issues in education and training of information systems personnel and users
Impact of information technology on regional development